Buy our 4th single
"Ultimately, nothing really ends" now on Bandcamp
Verse 1
Running up the down escalator,
Living in the now but fearful of later
At least I wake up and I am loved, I may be swimming down below, but I’m looking above
I can live with the twists that trip me up
and I will straighten when the world bends
It may feel broken like it’s over
Ultimately nothing really ends
Verse 2
For one pleasure there’s a thousand pains
For each dry spell there’s a hundred rains that come down
Am I going under am I spinning round, am I rising to the top or am I spiralling down?
I can live with the twists that trip me up
and I will straighten when the world bends
It may feel broken like its over
Ultimately nothing really ends
I can live with the twists that trip me up
and I will straighten when the world bends
It may feel broken like its over
Ultimately nothing really ends
Written by David Donley, vocals Denise Wise with Band "Peaceful Cacophony"
Radio Cambridge interview about "Spare Me":
“We like the name ‘Peaceful Cacophony’, because it's a contradiction in terms a bit like our lives. I wanted a positive word in the title, but nothing too cosmic. We all have this internal dialogue which is part-chaotic and part-peaceful depending on how much mastery we have over it. Musically something can sound like either of these things and ours in a collection of both. Even within one song there can be a rocky loud sound but it may have a peaceful soaring Middle 8 as a contrast. In nature we find this contrast within groups of differing bird calls. There can be a lot of singing and trilling, but the overarching effect is beautiful, like the juxtaposition of sounds in the jungles of Costa Rica” – Denise Wise