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What is a Paradigm and

how do we shift it?

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In relation to certain events in my life, especially leaving Jehovah's Witnesses, I sometimes talk about a Paradigm Shift.  


  • First we have to understand what a paradigm is and relate it to our own life experiences to be able to visualise what a group or even a world paradigm shift might look like.

  • Secondly we have to understand what might happen to us when we have a paradigm shift. Firstly on a personal level and then on a collective level - it will feel disorientating at first, even chaotic.

  • Thirdly we need to be able to keep the vision we have, in spite of inevitable obstacles and disappointments. We need to maintain resilience to keep going through the transition stages and come out on top of the curve. 


OK I did the learning and I had the "lightbulb" moment.  If I'm so enlightened now, why do I feel so bad? 

I can see all these new possibilities, freedom of thought, freedom from slavery, self-sovereignty.  The world has opened up, there are so many new possibilities, but how do I get from here to there? 

I used to feel so sure of myself and my opinions and beliefs.  Now I don't know anymore.

Now i'm aware to new possibilities I see things coming into my path and I follow them to see where they lead....

Quoting from Brian and Danielle's article "What is a paradigm, and how do I shift it?" on their website here, there are 7 main reasons why people could be stuck and are not able to move forward or break through from the struggle in life:


  1. Paradigm (blinkered view due to conditioning from parents, school, religion, media)

  2. Beliefs (humans are intrinsically selfish, things will never change)

  3. Motivation (what's the point of my drop in the ocean when no-one else does it?)

  4. Discipline (it's such a huge task to change myself, let-a-lone the world, I can't stick at it)

  5. No goals (I don't know the things I need to start aiming towards to achieve change}

  6. No vision for the future (we are just going to destroy ourselves, the governments don't care and are ineffective, we can't change anything without them)

  7. Lost hope (I don't want to think about the kind of world I will leave to my grandchildren)


Paradigms Are Who We Are


A paradigm is how our mind sees its relation to the outer world. We all have one. These paradigms make us who we are. The way you perceive the outer world has been changing since you were a child. When we were young, life was mysterious and adventurous. But as we grow older we start to lose that sense of adventure. We find out that life isn’t easy. We find out that life is filled with resistance.


So, then what happens? People give up. They change the way they see the outer world. Unfortunately, they start seeing the outer world as being limited and even hopeless. This didn’t just happen overnight. It takes a lifetime of struggles and disappointments. This can be caused by words, actions, thoughts, and emotions, such as fear.


Making a paradigm shift


“In order to change an existing paradigm, you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete.” R. Buckminster Fuller

When you change your thought patterns, your beliefs, and your actions you are making a paradigm shift.


You are changing the program in your subconscious mind and shifting towards a new direction. You are changing or rewriting your story.


The time is now to break free of your paradigms and shift into a new consciousness of who you truly are. 

“The strongest factor for success is self-esteem. Believing you can do it, believing you deserve it, believing you will get it.” John Assaraf


To read the full article on how it is possible to shift, see Brian and Danielle's website by clicking here.





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